It's so important that the fixed asset subledger reconciles to the GL. But since they are designed with a subledger-to-ledger relationship, shouldn't they always be in sync? Doesn't SAP have special reconciliation accounts to ensure that they are? Read this blog to see why this isn't always the case and...
The Correct Way to Handle Fixed Asset Revaluations in SAP with AR29N (Part 3)
This part of the revaluation blog series on AR29N goes into a specific example of how an asset can be revalued and the values tracked correctly.
Handling US Tax Depreciation in SAP (Part 6): IRS Passenger Vehicles
If you're here then you probably already know about how the IRS has a separate depreciation schedule for passenger vehicles (including electric vehicles). This was referred to as luxury auto depreciation. This blog will show you that it can easily be done in SAP.
The Correct Way to Handle Fixed Asset Revaluations in SAP with AR29N (Part 2)
This second blog in the Asset Revaluation AR29N series covers some specific items on why SAP's solution is the preferred method for asset revaluation.
Handling US Tax Depreciation in SAP (Part 5): Mid-Period and Mid-Quarter Convention
SAP can easily handle US tax depreciation requirements. In this blog, I'll show how the US Mid-Quarter convention works.
The Correct Way to Handle Fixed Asset Revaluations in SAP with AR29N (Part 1)
If you work in the capital accounting area long enough then you’ll eventually have to handle a fixed asset revaluation. There are many factors that make this process complex, political, detail oriented, and worthy of your attention.
Handling US Tax Depreciation in SAP (Part 4): Prior Year Adjustments
For the tax accountants that want to know if they can make prior year asset basis adjustments without impacting the corporate book.
Handling US Tax Depreciation in SAP (Part 3): Basis Adjustments
Third part of the blog series covers how tax basis adjustments are made so that the corporate book isn't impacted.
Handling US Tax Depreciation in SAP (Part 2): Separate Books
To better understand how SAP Fixed Assets supports US Tax calculations we'll have to review how SAP keeps all of the asset valuations separate.
Handling US Tax Depreciation in SAP (Part 1): The Basics
Can SAP Fixed Assets handle the complicated (and ever-changing) rules for US Taxes? Step into this blog series to see what's possible.