If you've worked with SAP long enough, you understand how configuration works and the various options within a given area. You also know that the logic used by SAP to handle it's processes (posting a journal entry, posting a GR on a PO, etc.) can't be touched. Read part 2...
Secret Way to Tweak SAP Standard Processing Logic in S/4HANA Finance (Part 1)
If you've worked with SAP long enough, you understand how configuration works and the various options within a given area. You also know that the logic used by SAP to handle it's processes (posting a journal entry, posting a GR on a PO, etc.) can't be touched. Read part 1...
Mass Maintenance in SAP Project Systems (Part 3): CNMASSCREATE
SAP has some great processes to manage large project objects. CNMASS and CNMASSSTATUS are great tools for those of us that work a lot in the PS area. But CNMASSCREATE is even more useful!
Mass Maintenance in SAP Project Systems (Part 2): CNMASSSTATUS
There are plenty of times when I need to change the status on multiple projects. In the past that required a custom program or an LSMW upload (cumbersome!). SAP now has a much better solution with CNMASSSTATUS.
Mass Maintenance in SAP Project Systems (Part 1): CNMASS
There are many ways to create a project. Template projects and copying are common solutions but the best and new(-ish) way is to upload fomr Excel. Read the blog to see all of its benefits!
Reconstructing PS Availability Control for Easier Cost Control With CJBN
If you want to have a disciplined strategy around project cost controls (and in CO in general), then you'll want to make sure your budget and commitment values are correct. Similarly, you'll want to consistently repair your availability control values to ensure that your budget tolerances aren't being exceeded. Read...
The Best Way to Guarantee Accurate Project Reporting With CJEN (and RPSCO)
Reporting is a critical output of any ERP system yet few customers take the steps to ensure their project reports are accurate. How and why can this be handled easily in SAP Project Systems?
Simplification of Internal Orders Leads to… Simple Projects? (Part 2)
Read this blog to see the answer regarding SAP's intent for the future of internal orders (hint: it's not much of a future).
Simplification of Internal Orders Leads to… Simple Projects? (Part 1)
What does SAP have in store for it's customers regarding Simple Projects? What is the future of Internal Orders in S/4HANA?
New Development Project for PLM/PS in 2021
SAP's CEI program continues with a new development project for 2021.